Driver's Education 30 Hour Online class
The course consists of at least 30 hours of instruction and includes information about alcohol and drug abuse, aggressive driving, distracted driving, motorcycle awareness, organ and tissue donor awareness, pedestrian and bicycle safety, handicapped parking, fuel efficient driving practices, and traffic stops as required by Virginia law.
Cost $100
You may be taking this Driver Improvement Clinic for several reasons.
You may need to take it to satisfy a court order.
The DMV requires you to attend a clinic. You must complete the entire eight hour course within 90 days. If you fail to complete the clinic by the DMV deadline, your driving privilege will be suspended until you meet this requirement.
Your license has been revoked and you are required to complete the course as part of your reinstatement process.
You may also volunteer to take this course, if you have a Virginia driver's license, to receive up to 5 safe driving points on your driving record. Students who satisfactorily complete this 8-hour course can now also get insurance premium reductions. Individuals should contact their insurance companies to advise as to whether or not they offer this discount for their insures.
Why are you taking this online course?
You are required to take this course because you have failed the learner's permit or renewal test three times, and you are now required by the DMV to take this 8-hour course to be eligible to retake the test. The Virginia DMV has reviewed and Licensed this online course - and all ages are eligible. However, please be aware of the following:
If you are age 18 OR OLDER - You must either take the classroom component of driver education (consisting of 36 fifty-minute classroom sessions) or complete an 8-Hour Driver's Manual course in the classroom or online.
If you are UNDER AGE 18 - Before enrolling into the Driver's Manual course, you must provide proof of having completed the classroom component of driver education (36 fifty-minute classroom sessions or a 30-hour online course). If you wish to take this online 8-hour Driver's Manual Course, please email us your proof of completion of your classroom drivers education course (DTS 36 or DEC-1) to Buckleup757@gmail.com. If you have any questions, email us or call us at 757-204-1958.